Concealed Suspended Ceiling Systems are designed to produce a high-quality structure for a flush or featured finish to your plasterboard ceiling. In the main, there are two options for this ceiling system. You can either direct-fix or fully suspend your Ceiling System.Our ceiling grid system enables the mixing of primary (Top Cross Rail) and secondary components (Furring Channel) to increase spans, suspension fixing points and maximise structural design.Flush plasterboard ceilings Direct Fix or Fully Suspended ceiling applications Suspended Ceilings for internal applications Fire Rated Ceiling System Applications Curved Ceiling Systems using pre-curved furring channel and top cross rail Raked and Cantilevered Ceilings Bulkheads as an architectural feature or concealing services Wall Framing for masonry walls - battening out irregular walls or providing a cavity for cables and plumbing Suspended Ceilings for External Applications